
Our eyes and brain can process and understand colors much more easily than text. That is why we converted complicated predictions into easy understandable colors.


RED is for bad life events, GREEN is for good. This makes it possible to quickly read with zero astrological knowledge. No manuals needed.

Perfect Predictions

Smart Summary

Look carefully at the "Smart Summary" row, to see how good or bad the life event is going to be. The intensity of the RED or GREEN is different. When it is very dark red and no green lines around, it means that a very bad event will happen then. What exactly will happen will depend on past and present karma.


What we can say for sure:- during RED period a native will never say "I'm perfectly happy in life now". When it says RED, something will be poking you. Maybe it is big, maybe small. But if the chart says it is there, it will be there. Prepare!

Tis Fate Then?

No! This is astrological weather forecast. That is all. The planets are not interested in your personal life, to attribute good or evil to them is illogical. Swami Rama of the himalayas, has written many accounts of masters dodging karmic bullets like play things. How is it possible, if it is fate?

You cannot choose when thunderstorms come. But you can choose to sit at home dry or to get wet outside. Don't take risks or make big changes in life during RED periods (thunderstorm). And when you see GREEN make good use of it. Thus, you will sail life untouched by the storms that rage on.

Astro Umbrella

The power of gems and metals to fight the planets pull should never be underestimated. Wear the remedies before your RED period starts and never take it off during this period.

Even Mahatma Gandhi noted in his writing that his father just before death, awoke one night from sleep took off the astro bangle he had worn for decades. Threw it across the room and only then did he die.

This is but one of many public records from all corners of the globe, proving the power of gems & metals to change you karma. Read more about astro remedies written by Yukteswar himself.

Fear Death Date?

There are many recorded accounts of people through history dying peacefully in their sleep. Death will not be a tragedy to everybody, just not possible. It is only a transition date, to be afraid of it is like being afraid of your birthday. Life will not be fun that way, we have all tried it. And know very well what life without knowing tomorrow's tragedy is like.

Even death during GREEN period will be happy or peaceful and never tragic. Keep in mind this algorithm does "NOT" count death as a bad life event, it is how you die that is predicted to be good or bad. Some say, "I like not knowing". We say, "Good luck".

Winning The Lotto

Predicting when someone will smile or frown may seem certain, leading to the idea that we can predict lottery wins. However, the "lottery prize" varies for each person; not everyone values money alone.

Predicting a real cash lottery win becomes possible only if money equals happiness for them. In reality, most people seek happiness in relationships, fame, career, or education, not just cash. This explains why winning the lottery is rare in real life.

Future of Humanity

This tool above all holds great potential for the progress of humanity. Imagine a world with no accidents, a world with no tragedies, no setbacks. Never has there been a time in human history, where the need has been greater.

More and more is at stake at dime's turn. In our modern age a mere momentary lapse in judgment can cost more to the whole of humanity then it ever did before. Imagine a world where laughter abounds & fear stands still. "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one", John Lennon.